
The shadow raises his gloved hand and smashes the window, breaks in through the back, the club is empty, old disused, dusty, broken glass litters the floor and here and there are dark bloodlike stains, he shivers, gathers together some broken bits of furniture, tears an tatty old poster off the wall, ‘Tonight Live at the Orchid Room’ for kindling and lights a fire in the middle of the dance floor, he is shaking with cold and hunger,

4 Responses

  1. shivers……..great opening.

  2. i love the opening too. fabulous.

  3. Paul, good shakeup and spin around. “Hobo” is a great start in a new direction, I thought. Congrats on that. Your talent is showing…I hadn’t been around to catch up on how things were going here since April so had missed the forward motion.

  4. Hellllooooo Mimi, I have missed you a lot, welcome back. Yayaya

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